Thursday 23 October 2014

Right, I think like all women out there, I am not 100% happy with my body. In fact I’m not even lose to 10% happy. I’m not sure about you guys out there but I have an image of the person I want to be. I think about her quite often; when I look in the mirror, when I look at other people, when I embarrass myself or even just walking along.
But one thing that I realise is that I can be her. I can be the confident pretty woman I just wish I was. I can be her, I just need to try.
However that is my downfall. The trying bit. I will maybe complete a week of dieting and then binge and consume all of the food I would’ve otherwise have eaten. Yes I am the so called ‘ yo-y0′ dieter.
After coming home from lessons I have eaten a bowl of granola, a bowl of muesli, some toast and a bowl of chips. (Not that unhealthy really). But it’s getting me no where. I haven’t lost  a pound. So after stuffing my face with something more than a meal for a snack I looked online for the millionth time on how to follow my diet. On site said I should blog my progress….Hmmmm… A diet I haven’t tried yet. So here we go. I am going to try my best and to anyone out there reading this and thinking exactly the same as me. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
So I’ll get all statistics with you. I am 5″2, I’m 16 and I weight 120 pounds. (Yes my BMI is healthy) however I am not comfortable with my body. To become 8 stone is my goal for my weight and I hope to achieve this by the 15th November 2014. I also have dry hair which goes frizzy whenever I go out. I want really nourished looking hair and I doubt I can getting just using external products. I want lovely skin which I know a good diet will give me.
So I hope I will track my progress and I hope that someone is reading this out there and want to make a change for themselves. Thank you :)

Tuesday 8 October 2013

White House Down

These films are always the same. Americanised, over violent and force a romance. Well that's what I thought this film would be like. However I found myself stuck on the edge of my seat, biting my nails not daring to blink. Yes, a very good film indeed.

I did really go to watch this film with a closed mind, even when it first started I turned to my friend and sighed, distort it would've been one of 'those' films. However the story-line was incredibly gripping and the fate of the characters were completely unknown and left you guessing until the end. The plot had many twists and the way in which the director, Roland Emmerich let some of the main characters be killed off gave it the realism that it needed.

Channing Tatum, the star of the film playing John Cale is often seen as the ron-com actor, however there wasn't much romance about him. INstead his heart was set on finding his daughter and showing her that he is her true hero. Whilst the film was a bit sketchy in places and you cringed back into your seat, I felt that this was a very good film, and those parts had to bring you back down to reality, otherwise I wouldn't have wanted it to end!

-The Slug

Thursday 14 February 2013

Film Review on "Beautiful Creatures'

If you compare this to twilight I can give you a hundred reasons why this should be seen and read by more teenagers. For a start the characters are not perfect, I'm not saying they are ugly but the main character, Ethan played by Alden Ehrenreich is not (in my opinion) the hottest actor on the block, but then again Robert Pattinson doesn't do anything for me either, and Lena played by Alice Englert is not the prettiest (nor ugly) actress out there and yet these two characters you people can relate to and find more realistic (Even with witches) then two perfectly formed human-beings. Also Alice gives Lena a personality, something that twilight lacks immensely with Kristen Stewart.
This film, as well as book had an interesting story-line, however many things could've been portrayed differently and the plot was not very unique and even though it did not fall into usual cliques with supernatural stories it wasn't something that blew me away, although it is the perfect Valentine film to watch!

Saturday 5 January 2013

The problems with characters in books nowadays

2012 has given us 50 Shades of Grey, you may not have read it yourself, however it's most probable that you have heard about it. I read about the first 30 pages and refused to go further on. It was just unbelievable. Many people seem outraged about the sex, however I had read other books with maybe not as illustrated as that but still containing pretty raunchy bits, and they have not sold half as much as 50 shades. The problem is however 'Anastasia' is meant to be the heroine in this story and it's the same in Twilight and other novels like that. They are portrayed as this generation's women. Young girls will be reading these books and looking up at the women. I mean one woman in a novel which girls should be looking up to is Elizabeth Bennet, from Pride and Prejudice who accepted that she was beautiful and even when Mr Darcey proposed to her and she denied even when he could've solved all of her problems because she did not love him then. It's completely controversial to characters like Bella from Twilight, who can't accept that she's beautiful even though she has all of the men after her. Also all of these women have no personalities whatsoever and have no ambition in life whatsoever. We need some more books with real women, not these teenagers running of  with men for money, sex and a supernatural life. Also the men in these books are practically another form of Mr Darcey, Tall, dark, mysterious and rich, although he is not a control freak, and arrogant man like the rest of them. Really there needs to be a change in the way many people are portraying their characters.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Best films of 2012

10. Magic Mike - To be quite fair this was an awful film, but somehow it was enjoyable and a great watch!
9. James Bond, Skyfall - This was different from the other James Bond films, but it was brilliant nevertheless
8. Rock of Ages - Fantastic, can't fault the casting and the music. Amazing!
7. Ted - Hilarious.
6. Life of Pi - This was mesmerising and powerful. A film that you could watch over and over again.
5.The Hunger Games - Haunting and damn good.
4.The Master - brilliant!
3. The Hobbit- May just be better than The Fellowship of the Ring.
2. The Perks of being a Wallflower - Didn't do complete justice to the book and that's why this is second, but it was fabulous and made you feel young!
1. The Dark Knight Rises - Nothing I can say will do this film justice. It is simply the film of the year.

Saturday 29 December 2012

Review on the last episode of 'Merlin'

I love the Merlin series, I love how they have portrayed  the Legend of Arthur, I think casting is brilliant and the scenery is fantastic! Bradley James plays Arthur superbly and Colin Morgan is perfect for the role of Merlin, in fact I think this series could've gone on for years, they did not do the quest for the holy grail, they did not include Lancelot's son, they did not do Gawaine's quest and many more parts of the Authrian legend they could've done. However they ended it abruptly, which meant that Morgana's death was less than one minute, Arthur dies far too young for audiences pleasure and it did not show how the rest of the charaters coped with the King's death, they simply showed Gwenevere on the throne, I am sure that many people would've only wanted Merlin's magic to be revealed in this episode because we never saw them together and Arthur knowing he has magic, overall the BBC should not have ended the series with such a poor ending, and they have been penalised by the audiences.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Film Review on 'Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2'

I have seen better acting in a programme of Tracy Beaker. I remember sitting in the cinema watching the first ten minutes and hoping I was only dreaming. It just didn't seem real at all, I really did feel like I was in a cinema. However as the film progressed it did become better and better. Although I must say that the fight near the end really made the film for me, it wasn't in the book and I think that the film producers soon realised that the film would have nothing to it without the battle. Overall I don't really have anything good to say particularly so I'm going to end it there.