Saturday 5 January 2013

The problems with characters in books nowadays

2012 has given us 50 Shades of Grey, you may not have read it yourself, however it's most probable that you have heard about it. I read about the first 30 pages and refused to go further on. It was just unbelievable. Many people seem outraged about the sex, however I had read other books with maybe not as illustrated as that but still containing pretty raunchy bits, and they have not sold half as much as 50 shades. The problem is however 'Anastasia' is meant to be the heroine in this story and it's the same in Twilight and other novels like that. They are portrayed as this generation's women. Young girls will be reading these books and looking up at the women. I mean one woman in a novel which girls should be looking up to is Elizabeth Bennet, from Pride and Prejudice who accepted that she was beautiful and even when Mr Darcey proposed to her and she denied even when he could've solved all of her problems because she did not love him then. It's completely controversial to characters like Bella from Twilight, who can't accept that she's beautiful even though she has all of the men after her. Also all of these women have no personalities whatsoever and have no ambition in life whatsoever. We need some more books with real women, not these teenagers running of  with men for money, sex and a supernatural life. Also the men in these books are practically another form of Mr Darcey, Tall, dark, mysterious and rich, although he is not a control freak, and arrogant man like the rest of them. Really there needs to be a change in the way many people are portraying their characters.

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