Sunday 4 March 2012

I am writing a novel at the moment but the problem is that I am only 13 and some of the advice I have been given is to post it on blogspotter so I am going to post the first little bit. I am trying to write a dark fantasy book but I am a bit worried that it will end up like Twilight, some of the criticisms for young authors is that you can't write and that you are too young to know anything, but honestly now I have been writing since I was five, and yes those books have been like 'Sarah walked into the garden and fund a snail. The End,' but I can honestly say that I think I can write a novel at this age. All I really do in my spare time is read all types of books. I know the techniques of writing the only problem I might have is that I'm probably not as good as grammar as an adult would be, but in my opinion there are authors out there who seriously don't know how to write and still get their work published, so if anyone actually reads this (which I doubt anyone will) please comment what you think, I need some feed back :) 

It wasn’t my fault, though the more I said it to myself the more I actually doubted myself. I didn’t kill him; I know I didn’t even though I couldn’t remember that night. Tom was the boy I liked at school; he was the one that everyone loved. I loved him the most though and last month it turned out he loved me as well, why would I murder him? My parents didn’t even believe me. I’m not a bloody serial killer! People believed that I had drowned Tom with my own two hands, even though he’s twice the size of me. The judge and the jury believed me and that was enough. Though sat in my dad’s car diving miles away from my home, my family, my friends; well my ex-friends. I even had my best friend standing up in the courtroom, making a statement against me. I couldn’t go back to that school, not with no friends and everyone looking at me, and because my parents were forcing me to move to the other side of England to a boarding school. At least I could start a new there; no one would know what I did. My mother couldn’t even say good-bye to me. My dad was driving me; he forced me to sit in the back so he wouldn’t have to sit near me. What must it be like to have a daughter who you think has murdered her boyfriend. Well nobody knew he was my boyfriend, that’s why they didn’t believe me. I looked out onto the motorway; we seemed to be overtaking all of the cars, definitely going over seventy. I watched my reflection in the window. I hadn’t had a proper night’s sleep since the accident. Big black sacks were dangling under my eyes, my skin was pale, lost all colour that was ever there and my hair was messed from where I hadn’t washed it for weeks and didn’t bother to brush it. The school looked more like a modern castle than a place where you learn.  A woman was standing outside with her arms crossed across her body. My dad practically threw my suitcases outside and didn’t even bother to engage conversation with the woman. The paper work was done and he could simply hand me over to this place. Traitor. 

We were walking down the high street. Tom looked at me his deep blue eyes staring at me as he kept ruffling up his blond hair. “So you are coming tonight?” He asked as he kicked a coke can on the road. “I’ll see if I can”
“You better, I don’t want to spend the whole night with people trying to set me up with Mary.” He said, I laughed, “Well I’m not spending the whole night.”
“You can if you want! You can sleep in my bed!” He replied jokily.
“Well that’s defiantly a possibility!” He laughed at this. “You do know I was fucking with you don’t you?” He smiled cheerfully at me.
“You wish.” He through his hands up in mock surrender, “Okay we’re even. Deal?” I laughed
“Deal.”  I then sighed. “What we doing tonight then?”
“Oh well, just an average school pool party!”
“Right, sure just an average teenage pool party with drugs, alcohol and sex. Course it’s going to be so much fun” I snapped sarcastically
“Most likely.” He shrugged. “Would it be bad if it did?”
“Let’s say that I wouldn’t be joining in.” I laughed; we turned onto the beginning of our street. The houses were practically castles in themselves. Tom and I often had arguments about whose house was better; he usually won because he had a hot tub even though my house was bigger. “Would you come if I invited Kristy?” His voice brought me back to the present day.
“Why you want a threesome?” I joked, he laughed and pulled out a packet of maltesers he offered me one but I pushed it away. “Listen, I don’t want you by yourself, see I’m a good friend.” He said his mouth full with about five chocolates. I laughed and poked his cheek so that one of them fell from his mouth on the floor. “Hey!” he spluttered spitting over me as he picked it up and putting it back in his mouth.
“You’re degusting.” I said walking towards my house. We stood just up the driveway as he stopped me. “Here, give me Kristy’s number, and I’ll invite her myself, you know she won’t resist.” He leaned in as I laughed. “Fine.” I gave in pulling my phone out and telling him her number as he quickly recorded it in his phone; he then put the phone to his ear as he rang her. “Oh hey Kristy It’s me, Tom.” He winked at me as I sniggered. “I was just wondering, I’m having a pool party at mine and I was just wondering whether you wanted to come.” I could almost hear her excitement from the distance I was standing away from him. “Cool, can’t wait.” He shut the phone down and turned to me. I was about to say something when my own phone rang. I looked down to see the caller ID was Kristy, I laughed as Tom waved good bye to me and started to walk down the street, leaving me to deal with her excitement.
“Hello Brooklyn.” The woman smiled.
“It’s Brooke.” I said cutting her off.
“Hello Brooke, I am Miss Roberts I am the head mistress here.” I nodded to acknowledge her. She wore a tight pencil skirt that cut half way down her shin and a straight blouse, I wondered how she wasn’t cold. “I’m not going to waste any time showing you around because I have put you in a room with Jenna and I’m sure she’ll more than happy to show you around and probably make you some friends, and you’re late anyway getting here so I’m just going to show you to your room and I’ll see you in my office at 5 o’clock this evening.” Wow this is fast; I would’ve thought I’d start lessons in another week or something, apparently not. “Follow me.” She said walking towards a huge castle like building, I followed her up the stairs and through a long corridor, then she knocked on a door, I was lagging behind her carrying my huge case up the stairs. “Are you decent?” she asked through the door.
“As I’ll ever be.” A voice shouted back , she then opened the door, I quickly ran to keep up with her. I got to the room and saw a girl, my age standing before me in joggers and a vest top. Her dark brown hair curled at her chest. Her bright green eyes stared into mine as she smiled. I smiled back. “This is Brooke, your new roommate, now I want you to show her to all her lessons and make her feel welcome at this school.” Great I was sixteen and yet teachers still thought that I needed help to make friends. She said her voice rather demanding. “It’s okay Miss, I’ve got it covered.” She saluted her.
“And make sure she comes to my office at 5 o’clock so I can check up on her.” She said looking at me standing out in the corridor. I pulled my suitcase into the room and smiled at her. “Right I’ll leave you two to it.” She said closing the door after her.
“Hi I’m Jenna.” She stuck a hand out and I shook it. “Brooke. Can I just ask?” Oh God she knew who I was, I was crazy girl off the news.
“Yeah sure.” I said smiling reassuring.
“You look like shit. What was your journey like?” She asked sitting down on the bottom bunk. The room was set out nicely; we had our own on suite, two desks, two wardrobes and a bunk bed. I joined her on the bottom. “No, I’ve just had a crazy month, that’s all; I’m just not feeling great either.”
“I know the feeling.” Then she laughed. “Maybe you should have a shower, don’t worry I’ll help you unpack.” She said, “And I’ll pass you a towel, just I don’t think that... Well that look not will give you very good first impressions.” I smiled, not really offended, I did look like hell.
“Thanks that would be cool.” I smiled standing up and heading towards the bathroom, I heard her unzip my suitcase. She couldn’t take anything really because we shared the same room, so it would be easy for me to find it, so I just let her help me. The on-suite was completely white, the toilet, the sink and the shower. I walked over to the shower; six white towels were hung up on the radiator. “Hey Jenna which towels are mine?” I asked.
“Um, the two closest to the shower.” She said. The water felt good on my skin, in my hair as it was rushing down the plug by my feet, I must’ve been in there for half an hour just standing there. I had to put four lots of shampoo on just to get all the grease out, so I didn’t bother with conditioner. As I walked out of the on-suite I saw that she had finished unpacking, putting my books on my bedside cabinet, my clothes in the wardrobe and my shoes under the bed. She had laid out the school uniform on my bed. It wasn’t that bad, black pencil skirt, white blouse and a thin black tie. Jenna also seemed to have time to get dressed as well as unpack my things. She wore the uniform well, she was so skinny so the pencil skirt could barely touch her, her blouse was tucked in and her tie was tucked into the skirt. She could pull of sexy school girl without even coming across as a slag. “Okay, I’m just gunna clean my teeth, there’s a hairdryer in the bottom of my wardrobe if you want it.” I nodded; she walked into the toilet and closed the door. I pulled the hair dryer out and started to dry my hair. I brushed it as well watching my golden streaks blow with the wind. I missed my hair, I’d had it tied up in a pony tail, and it had been a mess practically back combed. My hair was naturally straight, like proper dead straight, although my hair wasn’t naturally blonde, I bleached it when I was seven, from black to bright blonde, and I saw how to do it on some channel that was like teaching people how to do everything at home instead of spending eighty pounds on dying your hair. I dyed my hair with my best friend, well ex-best friend. Kristy. I didn’t want to think about her now, so I shooed the memory away, only remembering my mother seeing my hair and screaming and then my dad seeing and him laughing his head off. So we kept the hair since then, to show my stupidity off to the world. I giggled to myself. It usually takes me ages to dry my hair because it’s so thick, but with Jenna’s hairdryer it only took just over five minutes. I rushed into my school uniform and wore it just how Jenna wore hers. It was only then I realised how skinny I was, I was much skinnier than Jenna. I hadn’t had one proper meal since the accident just the occasional soup my mum would bring me, but I never really ate that. I looked at myself in to long mirror that was inside my wardrobe door. If I put a few pound on I would look like my normal self, I was really curvy, like I had big boobs and a huge bum, and yet I was usually skinny. But right now I looked like I was a California model. I know that should be a good thing, but it wasn’t me. My pale skin didn’t really match my hair colour so I searched through the drawers to find the make up my mum had packed. I found my bronzing kit that my mum had bought me for my birthday. Jenna walked out watching me attempt to do my makeup. “What are you doing?” She asked distorted.
“My makeup?” I said looking at her.
“No, you’re doing it wrong here let me do it.” She grabbed my make up case and sat down next to me. I closed my eyes even though she was only doing my face. “Are you a natural blonde?” She asked, I opened one eye to look at her. “No, can you tell?” I asked.
“Not really, just your skin is very pale I just wondered because you don’t really have blonde with your skin tone. What colour are you naturally?”
“I think I was black, just I’ve had blond hair since I was seven, because I bleached it when I was younger.”
“Well that would do it.” She joked and we both laughed. She only took another five minutes, and once she was done I did look like a Californian model. Brown skin, blond hair and skinny as. “Right,” We need to go now otherwise we’ll be late, and guess what we have to start off the school year?” She sighed. “Bloody maths.” I laughed at her enthusiasm. She then opened the door and led me out. I followed her; more people started to walk out of their rooms and started walking in our direction. Everyone else’s uniform was ragged, the girls wore their ties like necklaces and their skirts were barely covering their knickers, it was only Jenna and I who were wearing the uniform right, and boy did we wear it well. Jenna walked with such pride down the hallway, I admired her as she moved people out of the way with just the confidence she walked with. This was the person who’d get far in life. I walked beside her, trying to walk with my head up and my back straight, I almost got the hang of it. “So Brooke, where do you come from?” She asked, not even making eye contact with me, just focusing on the road ahead. I was now dodging people, because the hallways were now packed with people. Jenna just glided across the floors with such grace she looked like an angel. “Um, Liverpool.” I said.
“You don’t sound like you come from Liverpool.”
“Yeah I moved there from Wales when I was twelve.” I said.
“Ah I see, anyway here we are, the old maths lesson.” The classrooms were huge, there were separate desks for each person, in my old school you’d have about five tables and they’d fit about six people on them. “Sit by me at the back.” Jenna whispered walking through the mass of tables; I followed her, tripping over random bags left in the aisles. About half the class was here sat at their desks, school had only just started, the accident had happened at the end of school. Jenna sat in a desk at the back pointing to the one next to her, I sat down, and she pulled out a pencil case and notebook. “Oh I didn’t bring anything.” I said suddenly panicking.
“Okay don’t worry I’ve got some more pens and notebooks.” She said handing me a pink notebook and a pen. I hadn’t noticed her carrying a bag otherwise I would’ve brought mine. “This maths lesson you just had to make notes on what he says, and now tomorrow we’ll have to do worksheets with our notes.” She whispered as a teacher walked in. He wasn’t very big, in fact he was short and looked like his suite was just extra baggage. He wore ray ban glasses that kept falling down his nose as he opened his briefcase and pulled out several papers. “Hello class, I’m sure you remember me from last year.” He said, great now I don’t even know my teachers names. “And Brooke?” He asked looking up and searching the room, maybe not then. I raised my hand so he could see who I was. “Ah, hello I’m Mr Ashton; I’m going to be your maths teacher for the year.” I smiled at him; everyone in the room had turned to see who I was. I suddenly felt awkward again “Anyway, less chit chat and let’s start with a bit of algebra.”

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