Tuesday 28 February 2012

Tuesday 28/02/2012

My best make up tips. I have about ten liquid foundation, a billion lips glosses and mascara and three concealers, two powders and several blushers, most of the time I put them all on so here is some tips I've learned.

  • To make your lips look bigger take two different coloured lips glosses. Use the lighter colour first, and then apply the darker colour in the middle of your lips and blend in, this makes them look bigger!
  • Shape your face by taking two powders and applying the lighter colour on you T zone and then take the darker colour around your face
  • Always wear mascara, you can't leave the house without it. If you have rather wide eyes I would go for a look which separates the lashes and if your eyes are quite closed add mascara on the bottom lashes to open them up more.
  • If you have acne or bad pores, or even red skin or anything like that, you can't go out of the house wearing one layer of foundation, blusher and maybe some powder. You need to layer it, even experiment with different colours, it's all about finding out what works for you.
  • Use make up from the same brand so they work with each other, if you use Clinique then but Clinique products, if you use No7 then buy No& products. 
  • Apply blusher on your cheek bones, I know far too many girls who wear it like they are about to preform in the circus. When applying it suck your cheeks in and then do it, it stopped you from putting it too far down making it look like you're naturally pink!
If  have dry patches and spots you want to cover up. I think that there are about three differnet types of natural for three different types of skin. you are going for a natural look, like proper natural you do need good skin. It's almost impossible if you have dry patches and spots you want to cover up, although I think that there are three different types of natural.

  1. For even and beautiful skin Buy a foundation that id a shade lighter than your actual skin tone apply this first and then apply a powder that matches your skin tone perfectly. This will blend it all in and give you fine glowing look. then apply a mascara that doesn't say false eye lash or the ones that make you look like you've been applying it for days. Go for one that just makes then look that little bit darker and longer. Apply a pink blusher gently, this will literally make you glow. I recommend using earthy colours for eye shadow like brown and maybe a dark green depending on what you are wearing.
  2. For dry/ red skin I don't really recommend any powders, and you really have to be careful with liquid foundations on dry skin because after about ten minutes it can make it look flakey. I would start off with a tinted moisturiser and then move on to a light foundation. If you apply a primer before hand it could make it a lot more smoother during the day as well as putting make up over it.
  3. For spotty skin this can be really hard to cover up, I have really bad acne at the moment but the thing I use come to about £100 a month and in all fairness it hides most of it but I look really bumpy. My trick is to use the concealer stick and stick it on like a mask.I then layer my foundations on. Since I have had acne for a while I have really bad pores as well and apply concealer over, it does hide most of them. 

My make up recommendations are:  No7 blemish concealer 
Clinique anti-blemish foundation
Clinique even and corrects.
Avon flawless foundation.
Nivea tinted moisturiser
No7 moose
No7 powder
Mac fix plus spray

Until next time
the slug

Monday 20 February 2012

Monday 20/02.2012

Tips on writing a novel...
These are a few tips I have learned from trail and error and hard research.

  1.  Do research you need to know your plot, characters from beginning to end. You need to describe them well, let the reader grow with them.
  2. First paragraph The first sentence, even the first word makes the reader want to read on more. 'It was a sunny day and the grass was green' isn't going to cut it. the first few pages are what publishers are actually going to read. 
  3. Something original No body really wants to read another book about vampires sparkling in the sunlight, but that doesn't mean you can't use the idea of vampires. Yes there are a lot of books out there about vampires but what Stephenie Meyer did was evolve on the idea giving them different strengths and weakness'. If you can come up with something other than a woman trying to loose five stones whilst looking for a job then you have got something interesting.
  4. Your writing style many people say that you either have it or you don't have it. That's not true, Indeed people may write extremely graphic like 'His nose exploded with blood, it was pouring out of his face like water from a tap' whereas other people would simply say 'he had a nose bleed' and that's fine but you can't go around saying 'he said it was great and I agreed, I slept all night and dreamt about unicorns, I woke up and went to school'
  5. Don't go over board with the English language. saying he said is fine but using words that the reader may not know or understand could make them feel uncomfortable. 
  6. Don't talk like you are explaining to the reader what is happening. One of the greatest things about reading a book is getting lost in it, getting into a whole new world.If you let the reader know he's reading then you've lost that element. e.g "So Mark can you explain that again for me.' 
  7. Choose how you write it carefully. I prefer to write from someone's point of view, where you can get deep down into their feelings and like the reader fall in love with the character, the only problem with using this technique is that you can't know what other characters are thinking and feeling unless they are mind readers, and another technique is switching from character to character which doesn't let the reader grow with them throughout the book, and then the last one I can think of is watching them from afar telling everyone how each person is feeling. 
  8. When you have actually finished your first draft Don't think that it's all fine, you need to read over it and change things around, sometimes people can finish a book and come up with a better plot and change it, writing a book takes time. :)
Monday 20/02/2012

Film Review-The Woman in Black.

Indeed I am still recovering from the film I watched on the big screen. I went yesterday and I could not get a wink of sleep in. I was even screaming in the middle of the cinema. I have watched Saw, Scream, Jeepers Creepers and yet this film has scared me the most. It may just be because I am not scared of blood as much as I am of china dolls. But it was an experience like no other.

 The film starring Daniel Radcliff as Arthur, a young widower with a four year-old son. His job meant that he needed to travel to a haunted village where he needed to sort out paper work in the house. I do not want to spoil it for people who are going to view it soon. the only advice I can give them is not to be fooled at the beginning, yes nothing really scary happens when he is sat on the train, but as the film progresses I thought to myself that this film had been overrated but I was almost crying because I didn't want to sit through it. ;)

I do believe thought that the seemed scary because things would pop up when you least expect it making your seat useless being as I was jumping out of it every five minutes. Also do keep an eye out, because I went with my friends and they said they saw the woman standing behind him in certain scenes which I missed.

Until next time